MMC is committed to sustainable building solutions and practices. We have entered a new time in construction in which people want to know that the buildings in their communities are built with a positive impact on the environment, economy, and society in general.
Green-thinking begins with design and planning. The following aspects need to be properly integrated and balanced in order to achieve a certified sustainable building:
Sustainable structures need to optimize the practices of real-time operation. It’s important that these green-friendly buildings are comfortable and safe to live and/or work in without compromising the bottom line. MMC designs buildings that stick to your budget while having a positive impact on your community at all levels of construction and operation.
MMC has a staff of LEED accredited professionals who work on each building to ensure sustainability. When building this type of structure, the engineers need to consider the six basic aspects of green building: energy efficiency, water efficiency, waste and toxin reduction, raw material selection, indoor air quality, and sustainable development. Our design teams are committed to sustainable building solutions. Sustainable solutions impact a buildings entire life-cycle from planning to decommission.
MMC believes in enhancing the quality of life in a sustainable manner. Green living and sustainable practices are encouraged through our “green initiative policy”. The program incentivizes employees for environmentally friendly behavior, such as purchasing energy conserving household lighting products, purchasing high gas mileage vehicles, conserving electricity and water consumption, or conducting home energy audits. MMC’s office also exemplifies our commitment to being more responsible with our energy consumption. The building was designed with energy efficient design practices. A portion of the office runs on a geothermal VRV system, which was the first system in the Upper Midwest of its kind. The office also utilizes water-conserving bathroom fixtures, sinks, and drinking fountains. Also added was an energy dashboard, which is displayed in the front lobby. This has been effective in giving us information about how much energy is being utilized in the building, which enables us to make smarter decisions about how we use energy.
For more information on our commitment to sustainable living, contact us.